A poem for 'Nainai' (Grandmother)

Life Tree Funerals celebrants are often asked to walk with a family as they plan a funeral for a member of the family who has lived many years - a spouse, parent, grandparent, great grandparent. Despite knowing that their death may be iminent, so many tell us it is still unexpected.

We have a belief that those who have nurtured us as children and watched us grow into adulthood, will just always be there. We know in our ‘heads’ that is not the case, but sometimes our ‘hearts’ don’t hear that message. We all have our own ways of understanding death … and here is a young girl’s thoughts.

Recently, a 97 year old grandmother’s 10 year old granddaughter wrote this poem for her ‘Nainai’ and, together with her 7 year old sister, delivered it at her funeral.

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